Infrastructure as Code Library

29/06/2020 By Admin

You don't have to reinvent the wheel

Most teams have the same basic infrastructure needs: server cluster, load balancer, database, cache, CI/CD, monitoring, secrets management, and so on. Why waste time building it all from scratch? At TokyoScale, we are a team of DevOps experts who have spent thousands of hours creating a library of reusable, battle-tested infrastructure code that has been used in production by hundreds of companies, and now you can leverage all of it with the Infrastructure as Code Library.

What's in the Library?

The Infrastructure as Code Library consists of 40+ GitHub repos, some open source, some private, each of which contains reusable, battle-tested infrastructure code for AWS, GCP, and Azure, written in Terraform, Go, Bash, and Python. Check out How to use the TokyoScale Infrastructure as Code Library to see how it all works.

How do I get access to this code?

To get access to all the code in the Infrastructure as Code Library, you must be a TokyoScale Subscriber. Check out the pricing page for details.

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